

3 ντόπιοι το προτείνουν
15 Lane 38, Tonghua St
Da’an District, Taipei City

Συμβουλές από ντόπιους

Jason & Lilian
November 12, 2015
This is the best tofu bun ever!
March 13, 2018
★臨江街夜市特別推薦---- 煎過的豆腐丁保持了形狀,卻不會硬硬的,加上了適當的調味跟高麗菜及粉絲成為了很好的組合。牛肉捲餅帶著濕潤度,牛肉雖薄,但滋味不錯,私房小吃推薦之一。 ★ Linjiang Street Night Market Special Recommendation ---- The fried tofu dice maintains its shape, but it is not hard, and the proper seasoning is a good combination with Korean cabbage and fans. Beef burrito with a moist degree, beef is thin, but the taste is good, one of the recommended private snacks.
★臨江街夜市特別推薦---- 煎過的豆腐丁保持了形狀,卻不會硬硬的,加上了適當的調味跟高麗菜及粉絲成為了很好的組合。牛肉捲餅帶著濕潤度,牛肉雖薄,但滋味不錯,私房小吃推薦之一。 ★ Linjiang Street Night Market Special Recommendation ---- The fried tofu dice maintains its shape, but it is not hard, and the proper seasoning is a good combination with Korean cabbage and fans. Beef burrito…